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Closed Prayer Book

What we teach.

As-Sunnah Qur’aan School strives to nurture each child upon sincerity, honesty, respect and confidence in order to become exemplary Muslim role models of society. We endeavour to do this by following the teachings of the Qur’aan and example of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alayhi wa salam), his companions and the righteous generations that followed. 


Al-Qaaidah Al-Baghdaadia will be the book used initially for those who are unable to read. The primary focus at this level will be to aid children in being able to read Qur’anic Arabic with the correct rules and pronunciation. We teach the 'Uthmani script' as this is what is commonly found in the Arab world.


For those children who are able to read the Qur’aan, the focus will then move to the fluency, pronunciation and accuracy of their reading. This will be achieved by constant practice, guidance and correction from the teacher as well as the structured teaching of the various rules of Tajweed. 

Islamic Studies

Each child will have weekly Islamic Studies lessons which will cover a range of topics such as Belief/Aqeedah, Qur’aan/Tafseer, Worship/Fiqh, History/Seerah, Morals and Manners. Teachers will place emphasis on acting upon this knowledge through focused Islamic themes.

The 'Bridge'

Having seen students struggle, we have developed a unique book that helps children transition from the Qaa'idah to the Qur'aan. Through the use of coloured building blocks, the children are able to break down verses of the Qur'aan into smaller chunks for ease of reading.

Hifth (Memorisation)

We have a special Qur’aan Hifth program (memorisation) which is offered to students once they have become competent in reciting the Qur’aan. We normally start with Juzz Amma (last chapter of the Qur'aan). This program requires a strong level of commitment from both student and parents.

Du'as & Surahs

Children will learn various supplications with their meanings. They will begin learning these in chronological order i.e. waking up in the morning, entering the bathroom, leaving the bathroom, meeting someone etc. 

All students will be expected to continuously memorise shorter surahs from the Qur'aan.

Our ethos and aims.

To teach and educate children on how to read the Qur’aan with the correct pronunciation (Tajweed), its memorisation, understanding and implementation.

To teach children the basics and correct belief of Islaam from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah such as Tawheed, Allah’s names and attributes, dangers of shirk/innovation etc. 

To teach children how to perform the various acts of worship such as prayer and wudhu according to the Sunnah and to give children an insight into the life of the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wa salam) and his companions.

To instill the love of the Messenger (sallalahu alayhi wa salam) in the hearts and minds of children and educate them on how to live as good Muslims.

To provide children with guidelines on how to safeguard their emaan in a rapidly dynamic society.

Actively nurture children to act upon and implement the knowledge that they gain based upon the fundamental principle that knowledge without action is like a tree without its fruits.

To work alongside parents in preparing children for a happy and successful future founded upon Islamic belief, morals and values. 

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